
The brothers Norma and Heriberto Elliot were two Christian missionaries who worked in Peru for more than 50 years. Around the 90s, after a visit to the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, where the operation of a Christian school catches his attention. This impact clarified his missionary vision. In the minds and hearts of husbands Elliot begins to begin a strong desire to start a work aimed at the education of minors.

  • 1994

    The Elliot brothers decide to found in the city of Trujillo, place of their residence, a College whose vision was "Building Lives", where Christian students will be firmly rooted in the Word of God and trained to participate assertively in socio-economic and cultural development of their respective surroundings.

  • 1995 - Abril

    In the month of April, it marks the beginning of the Christian College "Elliot", a project called to become a new educational alternative in this city. The name "Elliot" is a tribute to a famous martyr of Christianity through the years called Jim Elliot (Brother of Heriberto), who along with four other companions, were killed by members of the Aucas tribe in Ecuador.

  • 1995 - Setiembre

    With Regional Direction Resolution No. 02427 of September 27, 1995, the operation of the levels of Initial and Primary Education was authorized. Professor María Elizabeth Martínez Guevara had the responsibility of being the Director during this first year. With a population of 11 students of Initial and First Grade the College began to take its first steps in the premises of the Trujillo Bible Center.

  • 1998

    From its inception year (1995) to 1998, the growing trend of the College is recorded at the Initial and Primary levels.

  • 2019

    Currently, Elliot Christian College has grown in students with an average of 281 students between the three levels (Initial, Primary and Secondary), with workshops such as music, table tennis, soccer, theater, journalism, science and mathematics.

We are an Educational Institution, whose mission is the integral formation of our students, which imparts a teaching based on principles based on the Bible, promoting a personal relationship with Christ.

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